Want to know how a holistic health professional optimizes health, mindset, and beauty?

Here I share the Advice I Give Myself in pursuit of a full, happy, healthy, present life.

I provide suggestions based on what has or hasn’t worked for myself, my patients, and the other incredible people I know.

My Morning Routine

My morning routine is so enjoyable and has had such a positive impact on my life. I feel better mentally and physically because of it. It sets the tone for my day and has increased my awareness, efficiency, productivity, and more. If I skip a morning, I usually feel the difference throughout my entire day.

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Andrea Henkels Andrea Henkels

15 Ways to Elevate Your Emotional State

Sometimes life kicks us in the teeth, punches us in the stomach, and stomps on our feet. Sometimes we are in a horrific mood for no reason at all (that we are aware of, at least). Whatever the cause, when we are feeling cranky, sad, or hopeless, it can be tempting to stay there and just wallow. However, if you are looking to shift out of a shitty state, I’ve got some great ideas for you!

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Andrea Henkels Andrea Henkels

Now Is The Time To Pursue Your Incredible Life

The pandemic has thrown many of us out of our comfort zone, myself included. Our typical routines have been disrupted, we are spending more time at home, for many of us our work is different or we are out of work, and there is a lot of fear in the air. These changes are bringing up many different feelings for us, anxiety, frustration, reflection, sadness, depression, boredom, and more. However, I do think this is an opportunity for incredible growth for all of us.

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Andrea Henkels Andrea Henkels

8 Benefits of Working With a Mind-Body Coach

A holistic mind-body coach will offer a heart-centered, solution-focused approach to shifting and transforming difficult issues in your life. These issues might be health related, professional, personal, spiritual, or emotional – or a a mix of some or all of them. The Holistic Mind-Body approach supports you making big shifts in your life using a very specific plan.

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